The Exploitation of Africa's Land and People

This is my senior thesis and my life goal to make people aware of whats going on with the exploitation of Africa's Land and people. People don't know whats really going on, so I'm putting my paper on here for your reading pleasure. I'll add it bit by bit.

Racism:  (rac-ism)
A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievements

Usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others (Association) Africa, a vast land full of some of the world’s largest supplies of natural resources has been systematically robbed and exploited by countries throughout the world who profit billions and give back little to nothing in return. Millions have died due to conflicts that are a direct coalition of the exploitation of African nations and no one has been held accountable for these monstrous acts of crime. Some blame the African’s for being the number one eliminator of their own people because of the many wars and conflicts however the US is the number one supplier of weapons to Africa, gaining millions for supplying weapons that in turn created catastrophic annihilation's (Walters, 2008). How many more lives must be lost before someone says stop. How many more massacres will be committed before someone steps in to offer a resolution for the people of Africa?  The objective of this senior thesis is to understand the conflicts in Africa and how they originated and who is responsible for the exploitations throughout Africa. Moreover did the African’s play a key role in their fate? Or was Africa the victim of malicious manipulation.
Imagine for a moment living in a world of complete chaos. Your entire country is run by another country that regulates everything you do. Doesn’t sound realistic; Well envision living in the great state of New York, more specifically New York City. China controls the states Timber, Freshwater streams, Granite and rock mineral industry and you’re gainfully employed for a company that has just been acquired by Chinese investors. Your wages drastically decrease, you lose any health benefits that you may have had and quitting is not an option because China is so powerful that all major companies are either jointly owned or fully by China. What do you do? Do you revolt? You cannot revolt because you risk losing your life to thugs hired to kill and torcher anyone who goes against China. So what do you do? Relocate? Sounds horrifying? Welcome to Africa, a continent full of the some of the world’s largest quantities of natural resources including but not limited to oil, diamonds, gold, iron, tropical fruits, cobalt, uranium, copper, silver, petroleum, and plenty of other untapped undiscovered resources that have yet to be claimed by one of the dozens of countries who stand to make profits in the billions.
According to the United Nations and several human rights organizations, many of the conflicts on the African continent can be traced to the control of mineral (Muhammad & Muhammad). Conflicts such as the holocaust took the deaths of six million Jews before we finally said, "never again." Yet, with at least twenty million Africans killed so far, due to wars in Darfur, Uganda, Rwanda, Congo and many, many more, the body count continues to rise and nothings being done to stop it (Walters, 2008).  What we see on television everyday with disease stricken children and advertisements such as feed the kids were led to believe that a dollar or so a day can help alleviate the issues we continue to see in the media.  In reality the exploitation of Africa’s land, minerals and human resources are a direct collation to the appalling conditions that make large corporations billions and leave the native inhabitants dead and dying.